Amaranth Red Garnet is also called Kiwicha in the Andes region. And it's also called Chinese spinach and Yin Choi. The Amaranth seed contains many amino acids and the leaf contains many vitamins and minerals. It's therefore a very healthy plant that is also a beautiful ornamental plant for the garden and living room. Amaranth Red Garnet has beautiful, striking, upright purple-red flower spikes above dark green leaves. It's very suitable for the border, wild garden and as a cut flower.
The leaf can be used raw in a mixed salad and shortly cooked or stir-fried as a very healthy substitute for spinach. The seeds can be cooked as a substitute for types of grain. Flour can also be made that can be used as a substitute for flour made from types of grain. The advantage of Amaranth is that it contains no gluten and therefore fits very well within a gluten-free diet. The seed can also be roasted as an addition to a salad or other dish. It's also possible to germinate the seeds to make very healthy sprouts. Birds also like to eat the seeds. But the most important thing is that the seeds of this plant are edible for people and don't contain gluten. Amaranth is therefore very suitable as a substitute for types of grain for people who don't want or can't eat gluten. This plant needs firm support. Hardy annual. Height: 150 - 200 cm.
Indoor sowing: early April - end of April
Outdoor sowing: early May - July
Germination: 7 - 14 days
Germination temperature: 18 - 24°C
Sowing depth: shallow - ½ cm
Planting distance: 35 - 45 cm
Plant position: sunny with some halfshade
Flowering period: July - October
Indoor sowing is possible from the beginning of April in separate pots with good, moist sowing soil. Sow shallow and press the seeds gently in the soil. Place the pots at about 18 °C, as soon as the seedlings emerge. Harden of the plants in early May for a few days during the day. So the plants can get used to the outside temperature. After about a week, place them in a sunny place with some shade.
Sow from the beginning of May, as soon as there is no longer any chance of night frost, outdoors in a sunny place with some shade. Sow broadly or in rows and carefully rake the seeds in the ground. Keep moist and weed free. Thin the seedlings at 35 - 45 cm as soon as they are large enough to handle. This plant is very attractive to bees and butterflies. Birds also like to eat the seeds of Amaranth. But the most important thing is that the seeds of this plant are edible for people and don't contain gluten. Amaranth is therefore very suitable as a substitute for types of grain for people who don't want or can't eat gluten.