
Quinoa is native to South America. It is a plant in the amaranth family just like spinach. The seeds of Quinoa can be eaten and used as a substitute for grain. The advantage of these seeds is that they don't contain gluten and can therefore be used by people who cannt or don'' t want to eat gluten. The seed of Quinoa can also be ground into flour, which can be used as a substitute for flour made with cereals. The leaf of Quinoa can also be eaten and can be prepared just like spinach. The seed can also be roasted as an addition to a salad or other dish. It is also possible to sprout the seed to make very healthy sprout vegetables. Birds also like to eat the seeds. Non hardy annual.

Amarant Oeschberg
  • 123seeds is a certified seeds supplier registered with SKAL. 123seeds adheres to the rules imposed by SKAL ensuring you receive certified organic seeds.


Item number: BIO-4578

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