Matador is an organic spinach variety which can be grown the whole year through, but is excellent for growing in the spring and autumn. Matador has heavy, large, elongated, tender leaves with a very delicious flavour and texture. This variety bolt very slowly. Late sowings can be harvested till the end of winter. This spinach has it all. Can be harvested after approx. 45 days.
Sow outdoors: mid-March - May & late August - late September
Germination: 7 - 14 days
Germination temp.: 5 - 16 °C
Sowing depth: 1 cm
Plant distance: 10 - 15 cm
Distance between rows: 20 cm
Plant position: sunny (protect in summer against to much sun)
Harvest period: April - October
Sow outdoors from Mid-March, as soon as the soil can be worked and is frost-free. This is because spinach germinates best in cold soil. Sow in rows 20 cm apart. Cover the seeds with 1 cm of soil and keep the soil well moist and weed-free. Spinach needs good, nutrient-rich soil, but can't tolerate soil that is too acidic. Spinach needs plenty of moisture and light to grow well, but protect spinach from too much sun in summer. When young seedlings are big enough to handle, thin them out to 10 - 15 cm space per plant. Never let spinach dry out and always water adequately to prevent bolting.
Harvest young spinach leaves by picking them or harvest, as soon as they are fully grown whole. When doing so, cut off to just above the root and later remove the entire root. Harvest spinach before it bolts. Spinach can grow in many different types of soil. Provide good fertiliser and moisture. For harvest in autumn; sow from late August to late September. Protect spinach from slugs and birds. Sowing spinach regularly extends the harvest. As spinach shrinks a lot when prepared warm, it's good to take this into account and sow large quantities. Spinach is best prepared as fresh as possible. It's possible to freeze spinach.