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Quick Overview

Organic Syrian Oregano is a perennial that is usually grown as an annual in the Netherlands. Organic Syrian Oregano is an easy-to-grow and versatile herb. Organic Syrian Oregano can be used in cooking, but it also has medicinal properties. You can easily, quickly and directly order your organic Syrian Oregano seeds at!!!

Scientific name
Origanum syriacum L.
Item number
123seeds Organics
Amount of seeds
  • 123seeds is a certified seeds supplier registered with SKAL. 123seeds adheres to the rules imposed by SKAL ensuring you receive certified organic seeds.

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Product Description

What is organic Syrian Oregano?

Organic Syrian Oregano is a bushy perennial that grows upright. The leaves of this organic oregano variety are small, oval, grey-green coloured and softly hairy. The leaves are edible. The flavour is a mix of the taste of marjoram, oregano and a hint of thyme. This plant is native to western Asia. This organic Syrian Oregano is also called organic Syrian Hyssop, organic Syrian Marjoram and organic Za'atar. Organic Syrian Oregano is a member of the lipflower family (Lamiaceae) just like: field mint, Betony, Woodland thorn, Dewy nettle, Yellow Deadnettle, Big Thyme, Dog's Wear, Purple Deadnettle, Field Sage, Water mint and Wild Marjoram. This plant needs moderately fertile to poor, calcareous and especially well-drained soil. Place this plant in a sheltered spot in full sun. It is a perennial that can tolerate some cold. Protect the plants from frost.  The plant blooms from July to September with small white flowers. This plant is much loved by bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects. This wonderfully fragrant plant can also be dried well as a dried flower.

Using organic Syrian Oregano

Organic Syrian Oregano has several medicinal uses. Organic Syrian Oregano is used against cough, nausea and toothache. Organic Syrian Oregano also stimulates digestion. Organic Syrian Oregano is also used in cooking with pork, pasta, eggs, tomatoes, courgettes, potatoes, peppers, chicken, lamb, fish and cheese. Organic Syrian Oregano can also be used in pasta sauces, soups, oven dishes and on pizzas. Organic Syrian Oregano is an herb that can be heated. Organic Syrian Oregano is widely used in Italian, French, Spanish, Moroccan, Syrian and Greek cuisine.  Organic Syrian Oregano can be used fresh or dried. So organic Syrian Oregano is used in many different ways.

Organic Syrian Oregano is native to western Asia (Syria).

1. Organic Syrian Oregano has several medicinal uses.Organic Syrian Oregano helps against cough, nausea and toothache.Organic Syrian Oregano stimulates digestion.

2. Organic Syrian Oregano is widely used in Italian, French, Spanish, Moroccan, Syrian and Greek cuisine.

3. Organic Syrian Oregano can be used fresh and dried. Dried organic Syrian Oregano has a stronger flavour than fresh organic Syrian Oregano.

4. Organic Syrian Oregano is delicious with pork, pasta, eggs, tomatoes, courgettes, potatoes, peppers, chicken, lamb, fish and cheese.

5.Organic Syrian Oregano can also be used in pasta sauces, soups, oven dishes and on pizzas.

6.Organic Syrian Oregano can be cooked along in dishes.

7.Organic Syrian Oregano is a perennial, usually grown as an annual in the Netherlands.

Buy organic Syrian Oregano seeds from 123zaden

Do you want to buy organic Syrian Oregano seeds? You can do so quickly, cheaply and easily at You can easily sow organic Syrian Oregano seeds to grow your own plants and harvest the leaves afterwards. If you order organic Syrian Oregano seeds from 123zaden you always get a clear and easy to follow sowing guide with your order. In it you can find clear information on how to sow organic Syrian Oregano seeds yourself. Your order at is always delivered quickly. You can order your organic Syrian Oregano seeds easily and quickly at www.!!! This plant retains its leaves in winter. Moderately hardy perennial. Height: 20 - 30 cm.

Additional Information Sowing Instructions