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Sprouting seeds
Scientific name
Brassica oleracea
Item number
123seeds Organics
Amount of seeds
  • 123seeds is a certified seeds supplier registered with SKAL. 123seeds adheres to the rules imposed by SKAL ensuring you receive certified organic seeds.

In stock

Product Description

Sprouting seeds Broccoli cress is an organicly grown sprouting vegetable. It's generally known that Broccoli is a very healthy vegetable, but the sprouts of this vegetable are still relatively unknown. All healthy substances that Broccoli contains a.o.: vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B11, A and E and the minerals: manganese, potassium, phosphor, magnesium, selenium, zinc, iron, molybdenum and calcium and finally also the amino acid tryptophane are in concentrated form in the sprouting seeds. The taste is wonderfully mild and this makes the sprouts very versatile to use to add a delicious touch of health to various dishes and recipes. Consider, for example, adding to salads, soups, on bread and briefly stir-frying. Add the Broccoli cress raw and at the last minute to the dishes so that the healthy substances are preserved.

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