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Scientific name
Solanum lycopersicum
Item number
123seeds Organics
Amount of seeds
  • 123seeds is a certified seeds supplier registered with SKAL. 123seeds adheres to the rules imposed by SKAL ensuring you receive certified organic seeds.

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Product Description

Tomato Black Cherry is an organically grown, very dark cherry tomato variety. It produces an abundance of small, round, dark purple to mahogany-brown tomatoes. The flavour is sweet, rich and complex. The tomatoes grow to about 2½ - 3 cm in size and weigh about 10 - 30 grams each. These cherry tomatoes are slightly larger than other cherry tomatoes. Like all other Black tomatoes, this tomato also has a smoky flavour. The flesh is deliciously juicy. On average, there are between 6 - 8 tomatoes on a bunch. This is an early tomato.

Use this tomato in salads, sauces, soups, on sandwiches, in ketchup and in all dishes with tomato. This tomato needs plenty of water, light, warmth and support. Tomatoes are high in vitamin C and lycopene. This is best absorbed into the body when tomatoes have been heated. Non hardy annual. Height: 180 - 250 cm.

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