Snapdragon is an easy-to-grow, strong plant that is available in many different, bright colours. Tom Thumb is low growing and has many different colours including pink, red, yellow, orange and white. This plant likes a sunny spot with well-drained soil.
The flowers of the snapdragon are edible and have a fresh, somewhat citrus-like taste. It can be used as a garnish and for decorating salads. The flowers of the snapdragon can also be eaten with some mature cheese. Place this beautiful and attractive plant in groups in the border or garden. Snapdragons can also be used as cut flowers. People who do not have a garden can also enjoy this plant, as it can easily be grown in flower pots and boxes on balconies. Regularly remove spent flowers. Not hardy annual. Height: 20cm.
Indoor sowing: half March - half April
Outdoor sowing: half April - eind of May
Sowing depth: 15-20 mm
Germination: 7-14 days
Germination temp.: 15-20°C
Plant distance: 30 cm
Sowing in rows: 30 cm
Plant position: sunny and sheltered
Flowering period: June - October
Sow indoors in trays with some moist potting soil. Sow the seeds shallow and cover them with a very thin layer of soil. Cover the tray with a lid or some clingfilm. Keep moist and warm.
Remove the lid or clingfilm when the seedlings emerge. Transplant the seedlings, when they're large enough to handle, to separate pots. Harden them of in the beginning of may, for about 10 days. Put them, after 15 may (Ice-Saints) on a very sunny plot with some shelter.
Sow outdoors from half april on a well prepared seedbed. Press the seeds in gently and cover with a thin layer of soil. Keep moist and weedfree. Tranpslant the seedlings, after abouty 5-6 weeks, when they're large enough to handle, to a very sunny plot with some shelter.