The Yellow Rattle is a special flower. This species, which is indigenous to the Netherlands, isn't really special to look at; it's a small, yellow flower, but it parasitises grass. This means that this flower can be used to reduce grass and prepare a field for sowing a mix of flowers. It needs soil that isn't too rich in nutrients to grow and this is exactly what a flower mix needs. The Yellow Rattle can also be used to make the soil more calcium-rich. This is also good for creating a flower meadow. Prevent the young plants from being eaten by cows.
Before sowing, the existing grass should be cut very short. Otherwise, the seeds of theYellow Rattle can't reach the soil. It's also possible to use a rake to make the soil a little rougher. Don't mow the areas where the Rattle grows until after mid-July, when the Rattle has produced seeds. This plant sows itself very easily and this should also be encouraged so that it can bring back the number of grasses in the flower meadow every year. Yellow Rattle is also very popular with bees and bumblebees. Hardy annual. This plant is poisonous. Height: 20 - 45 cm.
Outdoor sowing: July - October
Germination: 14 - 21 days
Germinationtemp.: 18 - 22 °C
Sowing depth: shallow
Planting distance: not applicable
Plant position: sunny - well drained
Flowering period: May - September
Sow outdoors from July on a sunny spot in well drained soil. The Yellow Rattle can be sown in many different types of soil, except for clay soil. Sow thinly and press the seeds gently. Don't cover the seeds. Yellow Rattle is a cold germinator, therefore it's best sown before a cold spell. First sow at a temperature between 18 - 22 ºC for 14 - 21 days. After this the temperature should be lowered to -4 - +4 ºC for about 42 - 70 days and finally the temperature should be 5 - 12 ºC to allow the seeds to germinate. Keep well moist and weed free. It isn't necessary to thin out the plants. Give the plants plenty of water, especially during dry-spells.
Allow the plants to flower so that seed is produced. The Yellow Rattle owes its name to the fact that the seeds in the seed boxes make a rattling sound when shaken. This plant sows itself easily. This is necessary to ensure that the grass in your meadow is sufficiently suppressed to be able to sow a flower mixture. Yellow Rattle takes the nutrition away from the roots of grass and in this way suppresses the grasses.