The Golden Clematis is a beautiful climbing plant. It is native to Central Asia, mainly China.The Golden Clematis is also called Woodland Grape. It is a member of the Ranunculaceae family (Ranunculaceae). It is a very large plant family with between 1,300 and 2,000 different species. Among others, this family includes : Field Buttercup, Alpenaquikigia, Blue Monkshood, Wood anemone, Love-in-the-Mist, Common Spearweed, Christmas Rose, Spring Rose, Sharp Buttercup, Wild Larkspur, Black Cumin and Summer Adonis. Most of these species occur in the Northern Hemisphere and several are also native to the Netherlands and Belgium.
Most species are herbaceous. There are also some climbing plants among them, such as the Golden Clematis. This plant can grow about 300 cm high.
It is a climbing plant that can grow up to 300 - 400 cm high. The Golden Clematis flowers from July to September. It has pretty calyx-shaped, yellow flowers and beautiful light green leaves. It takes about 3 years for the Yellow Woodland Vine to reach 300 cm high. It loses its leaves in winter, but it is hardy. The leaves grow back in spring. It can tolerate temperatures down to about - 34 celcius.
The flowers of this Yellow Woodland Vine grow to a size of 4 - 5 cm. Place this plant in well-nourished, well-watered, limey soil. It prefers full sun, but can also tolerate some semi-shade. Prune the plants in March. Clematis is a very large group of climbing plants that are all very beautiful. They flower in spring or summer. Each plant gets a very large amount of beautiful flowers in all kinds of gorgeous colours. The Clematis is an easy climbing plant that can be used to cover a fence, wall, climbing frame or pergola. They can also meander around trees.
The Woodland Vine is a perennial in the Ranunculus family. Most species are climbing plants that easily snake around any object. The young branches cling to any fence, rack or pergola. So they are plants that can be used to decorate a dull fence, rack or pergola.They can also be led across the ground as a ground cover.The growth rate of the Clematis varies by species and the Golden Clematis does not grow very fast.This species blooms with beautiful, yellow bell-shaped flowers. Silvery seed pods appear after flowering. Semi-hardy perennial. Height: 300 - 400 cm.
Indoor sowing: March - May
Outdoor sowing: September - October
Germination: 28 - 31 days
Germination temp. : 20 - 22 °C
Sowing depth: shallow - 13 mm
Plant distance: 30 - 45 cm
Plant position: full sun with the roots in shade
Flowering period: July - September
Sow indoors from March on in seed trays filled with well-moistened potting soil mixed with some vermiculite for drainage. Sow sparingly, shallowly and thinly. Do not cover the seeds, but press them gently. Keep well moist, but not too wet as this may cause the seeds to go mouldy. The temperature should be around 20 degrees Celsius, any lower does not make sense. Also keep the temperature at night as even as possible. This is because this ensures slightly faster germination. Germination can take around 30 days. Cover the trays with a lid to keep the moisture in.
Remove the lid as soon as the seedlings emerge. Transplant the seedlings into separate pots of about 7½ cm, once they are big enough to handle. From early May, let the seedlings harden off for about 10 - 14 days by putting them outside in the sun during the day. After this period, the Golden Clematis can be placed in a sunny spot with well-damp and well-watered soil. Keep 30 - 45 cm apart.
Sow outdoors from September till October. Sow in a sunny spot with well-moistened and well-drained soil. Sow very shallowly and press the seeds gently. Keep well moist and weed-free. Keep 30 - 45 cm apart. Do not let the temperature drop especially at night. The ideal temperature for germination is around 20 degrees celcius. Colder does not make much sense. Once the young plants are big enough to handle, thin them out at 30 - 45 cm. Clematis' roots should be in the shade and also kept sufficiently moist. You can achieve this by covering the roots with mulch. You can also plant shade plants such as Hosta, Woodland Strawberry, Lungwort, Storkglove, Purplebell (Heuchera) and Lady's mantle above the roots. This looks nice and also provides much-needed shade at the roots of the Golden Clematis.