Lupin My Castle is a very easy to grow, hardy and strong plant. This lupin has like all other lupin varieties an upright growing habit with many beautiful tightly grouped little flowers. My Castle has bright red flowers. This plant is very attractive to bees, butterflies and other benificial insects. My Castle is a beautiful eye-catcher in any border, flower- and picking garden, cottage garden and as a cutflower. This flower can also be grown in large flowerpots and containers. This whole plant is poisonous. Hardy perennial. Height: 90 cm.
Indoor sowing: February - March
Outdoor sowing: end of May - July
Germination: 14 - 21 days
Germination temp.: 18 - 21°C
Sowing depth: ½ - 1 cm
Plant distance: 30 cm
Sowing distance in rows: 20 cm
Plant position: sunny with some shade
Days till flowering: 60 - 90 of 320
Flowering period: June - August
Sow indoors in trays or outdoors under glass from February till March. Sow in trays filled with moist potting soil. Sow shallow and cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. Lupin is a light germinator. Cover the trays with a lid to keep the moisture in. Keep the temperature as even as possible and don't let the temperature drop during the night. Keep moist and warm. Remove the lid when the seedlings emerge. Transplant the seedlings, when they're large enough to handle, to seperate pots. Harden the seedlings of by putting them outdoors in the sun for 10 - 14 days from the beginning of May. You can also put the pots in a cold frame from the beginning of May. Put them outdoors on a sunny spot with some shade from the 15 th of May (Ice Saints).
Sow outdoors on a well prepared seedbed from the end of May till July. Sow shallow and rake in the seeds gently or press them gently in the soil and cover with a very thin layer of soil. Keep moist and weedfree. Thin the seedlings to 30 cm apart, when they're large enough to handle. Put Your young plants on their defenitive spot from September on. Give the plants a sunny spot with some shade. The plants flower in the year after sowing. Lupin can be sensitive to mildew. This plant is attractive to bees and butterflies. Lupin is poisonous.