Shasta Daisy Alaska White is a member of the Asteraceae family, just like yarrow, yellow chamomile and cow parsnip. It's a large daisy variety with beautiful white flowers and a contrasting yellow centre. This plant is native to America. It grows wild on Mount Shasta in California, which is why Shasta daisy Alaska is called Shasta Daisy. The flowers grow on long sturdy stems with dark glossy serrated leaves. Place this beautiful flower in a sunny, sheltered spot with good drainage. This flower can also be used as a cut flower. It's very suitable for ornamental gardens, borders and can also be grown in a large pot, for example on a balcony.
This plant should be placed in a sunny, sheltered spot with well-drained soil. It also needs good fertilisation. A short dry spell is no problem, but this plant can't stand wet winter weather. Because of its height and colour, this plant can be combined perfectly with Verbena bonariensis, common daisy, daisy Snow Lady, daisy May Queen, maidenhair, absinthe wormwood and earth thistle.
Stays green in winter, but needs to be protected from heavy rain and snow. This daisy is very popular with bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects. Blooms from May - October. Hardy perennial. Height: 60 - 80 cm.
Outdoor sowing: May - July
Germination: 14 - 21 days
Germination temp.: 18 - 21°C
Sowing depth: shallow
Plant distance: 30 cm
Transplanting: October - November
Plant position: sunny - half shade
Flowering period: May - October (2nd year after sowing)
You can sow outside from the middle of May, when there is no chance of night frost. Sow shallowly and thinly in a prepared, fertilised and moistened seedbed. Keep the soil moist and warm during germination. Keep well moist and weed free. Thin out the seedlings once they are big enough to handle at 10 - 15 cm. From October the plants can be placed in a sunny spot with possibly some shade and in well drained soil. Also ensure good fertilisation
Shasta Daisy is a clump forming plant and can be propagated by sowing and tearing the clump. Prune this plant back in the spring after flowering to about 20 cm from the ground to keep it healthy. Very attractive to bees and butterflies. These plants flower in the year after sowing. It can be used in borders, but also grown in large flower pots on, for example, the balcony.