Dame's Rocket Purple is a small, striking, beautiful flower with greyish-green, lancet-shaped leaves and greyish green stems. It has a pink to violet colour. It has a very fragant odour and it's very attractive to bees and butterflies. Caterpillars use this plants as a foodsource. This variety is an attractive gardenplant suited for feral gardens. It can also be kept in flower boxes and potts. Perennial. Height: 80cm.
Outdoor sowing: may - july
Germination: 14 - 21 days
Germinationtemp.: 20 - 23°C
Sowing depth: shallow - ½ cm
Plant distance: 20 - 25 cm
Plantposition: sunny
Days till flowering: 320
Sow outdoors from may on, when there is no longer any danger of nightfrosts. Sow on a sunny spot. Sow thin and shallow, cover the seeds lightly with some soil or rake them gently in. This is a light germinator. Keep moist and weedfree.
Thin to about 20cm, when the seedlings are large enough to handle. Deadhead the flowers often, to prolong the flowering period. Hesperis resows itself readily and is a real asset in any garden. Very attractive for bees and butterflies.