Verbena Ideal Florist mixed is a mixture of little, striking flowers consiting of multiple little flowers surrounded by green, feather-like leaves and little sturdy stems. The colours in this mixture are white, pink, red, purple and dark blue. This flowervariety is very well suited for growing in groups in a border, in flower pots and boxes. The leaves are used in the kitchen, for soap and as herbal medicin. Use small amounts because to much can be harmfull. It's' also used with small wounds and as a sedative. Midly hardy. Biennial - Perennial. Height: 30 cm.
Indoor sowing: february - march
Outdoor sowing: march - april
Germination: 21 - 28 days
Germination temp. : 18 - 22 °C
Sowing depth: shallow - ½ cm
Plant distance: 20 -25 cm
Plant position: sunny - half shade
Flowering period: june - september
Sow indoors for an early flowering from february on in trays with some moist potting soil. Keep moist and cover the trays with a lid. Remove the lid when the seedlings emerge. Transplant the seedlings to larger separate pots, when the seedlings are large enough to handle. Transplant the seedlings in half may outdoors on a very sunny plot with some half shade.
Sow from march on a very sunny plot with some shade and free draining soil. Sow in rows and rake the seeds gently in the soil. Keep moist and weedfree. Thin the seedlings to about 20 - 25 cm apart, when they're large enough to handle.