Anise is an annual with fine featherlike leaves and fine white flowers. The seeds have a licorice like flavour and are added to cakes, bread, dessert and in anise milk. The seeds and leaves are also used as a tea against asthma and bronchitis. Young leaves are also added to soups, sauces and salads.
Indoor sowing: end of march - april
Outdoor sowing: may - june
Germination: 3 - 4 weeks
Germination temp.: 15 - 21°C
Sowing depth: shallow - ½ cm
Plant distance: 15 - 20 cm
Plant position: full sun - sheltered against wind
Harvest period: august - october
Sow indoors in trays filled with moist potting soil from the end of march. Sow shallow and thinly and press the seeds gently on tot the soil. Anise is a light germinatos. Cover the trays with a lid and put them in a light and warm room. Keep moist. Remove the lid when the seedlings emerge. Transplant the seedlings to seperate pots when they're large enough to handle. Harden the seedlings of by putting them outdoors during the day for approx. 10 - 14 days on a sunny plot with some shelter from the beginning of may. Plant them outdoors on a very sunny plot with some shelter against the wind and free draining soil from the middle of may. Keep them 15 - 20 cm apart.
Sow outdoors on a very sunny plot with shelter against the wind and free draining soil from the middle of may, when there's no longer any danger of nightfrosts. Sow shallow and thinly and cover the seeds with a very thin layer of soil. Keep moist and weedfree. Thin the seedlings to approx. 15 - 20 cm apart, when they're large enough to handle. Anise needs a very sunny plot and not a lot of water. Water only when the soil is dry and during drought.
Anise is an annual. It flowers from july and the seeds can be harvested from august on. Let the seed heads dry out and remove the seeds. Let the seeds dry in a light, dry room with some ventilation.