Large Mallow is indigenous in the largest part of Europe in berms, alongside dykes, alongside tracks and on undeveloped building sites, but also in gardens and flower beds. It's a very important medical herb and it was considered as an agent against all diseases. Now it's mostly used as a soothing agent against inflammatory, long and airway diseases, against brochitis, astma and emfyseme. Is also used to colour wool light purple till lilac (mauve). This plant is a very good self-seeder and also very well suited for wild running gardens. This plant is also very well loved with bees and butterflies. Hardy biennial. Height: 100-150cm.
Outdoor sowing/cold frame: February - April
Outdoor sowing: May - June
Germination: 7 - 21 days
Germination temp. : 18 - 23°C
Sowing depth: shallow
Plant distance: 35 - 45 cm
Plant position: sunny with some shade
Flowering period: June - September
Sow outdoors from February on in a cold frame. Sow in seperate pots with some moist potting soil. Sow the seeds shallow and cover them with a very thin layer of siefed potting soil. Transplant the seedlings, when they're large enough to handle to larger pots of about 7 cm Ø. Harden the seedlings from half May of during the day for about 10-14 days. Put them on a very sunny plot with some shelter and well draining soil.
Sow outdoors from half May, when there's no longer any danger of nightsfrosts on a very sunny plot with some shelter and free draining soil. Broadcast the seeds and press them gently in the soil. Large Mallow can be sown on sandy, loamy and clay soil. Thin the seedlings to about 35 - 45 cm apart, when they're large enough to handle. Give the plants support when they're fully grown.