Wijnruit is a semi hardy, overwintering, half shrub often used to make a low growing hedge amongst a herbgarden. It has light greyish green, feathery leaves with little golden yellow flowers. Dogs and cats hate rue. The dried, pulverized leaves are used mixed with water to eradicate insects. The finely sliced, bitter leaves are used in salads, soups and in sauces with fish. It's also used to give wine and vinegar a bitter flavour. Pregnant women shouldn't use rue. It's also used in natural medicin to to stimulate the appetit, against rheuma, pink eye and bruises, and as against cramps and as a soothing and sleep endusing agent. Some people can get a rash when they make contact with rue. Height: 50 -90 cm.
Outdoor sowing: march-may
Germination: 14 - 35 days
Germination temp. : 18 - 22°C
Sowing depth: shallow - ½ cm
Plant distance: 30 - 40 cm
Plant position:sunny and sheltered
Flowering period: july - august
Sow outdoors when the soil can be worked. Sow thinly and shallow and press the seeds gently in the soil. Choose a very sunny plot with some shelter and free draining soil. Keep moist and weedfree. Thin the seedlings to about 30 - 40 cm apart, when there's large enough to handle. Rue is a greedy selfseeder and is very well suited for a wild garden.