Oxheart Cabbage Eersteling is also known as Greyhound and Express. This oxheart variety forms little, sharp. light-green heads with white veins. This flavourfull, deliciously tender cabbage can be sown early. It has a good tolerance against frost and cold weather. Harvest not to late because these cabbages can burst when left on the plot to long. Use this vegetable in stews, soups, stir-fries, in mashed potatoe stews and as a cooked vegetable. Can also be eaten raw in salads when finely sliced.
Outdoor sowing: March - May
Germination: 10 - 15 days
Germination temp.: 15 - 20 °C
Sowing depth: ½ - 1 cm
Sowing in rows: 15 - 20 cm
Plant distance: 50 - 60 cm
Plant position: sunny
Days till harvest: 90 - 120
Sow outdoors from March till May in a well prepared and manured seedbed. Sow thinly and cover the seeds with a tick layer of soil. Sow in rows about 15 - 20 cm apart. Germination takes about 10 - 15 days, depending of the weather and the temperature. Keep moist and weedfree.
Thin the seedlings to 10 cm apart, when they're large enough to handle. This cabbage needs a lot of room due to it's size. Transplant the seedlings when they're about 15 cm tall on a sunny plot about 50 - 60 cm apart.
Protect against birds, snails and slugs and other pests. This cabbage needs a lot of water and fertilizer to grow. But be careful: to much water in a short period can cause the heads to burst and rot. Don't sow and plant any cabbage on a plot were cabbage has grown in previous years.
Sow small amounts each time, to prolong harvesting. Harvest the cabbage when the heads are firm. Cut the stem just above the lowest leaves with a knife or remove the whole cabbage with a rake. This cabbage can be deep-frozen to store.