This sorrel has long, lightgreen, wide leaves with a slightly sour flavour. Harvest the leaves young. It can be used in soups, sauces, stews, salads and cooked like spinach. This hardy perennial can also be used in natural medicin against diseases off the bronchial tubes.
Outdoor sowing: march-september
Germination: 2-4 weeks
Germinationtemp.: 12-20 °C
Sowing depth: shallow - ½ cm
Sowing distance in rows: 20-25 cm
Plant distance: 20-25 cm
Plant position: sunny with some shade
Harvest time: may till november
Soak the seeds 24 hours before sowing in tepid water to help germination. These seeds are known to germinate very irregularly. Sow outdoors in rows about 20-25 cm apart. Sow shallow and rake in the seeds gently. Keep moist and weedfree.
Thin the seedlings ,when they're large enough to handle, to 20-25 cm apart. Protect the seedlings against snails and slugs. Harvest the young leaves by cutting them with a knife or scissors, but leave the roots to grow on. Sorrel can't be stored, so eat the leaves as fresh as possible.