Aubergine Golden eggs is een auberginesoort met langwerpige, witte en gele vruchten met een heerlijke smaak. De vruchten rijpen van wit naar geel. De aubergines kunnen wel 3 - 5 cm lang worden. De aubergines zijn ei-vormig en worden geel vandaar de naam golden egg. De aubergines rijpen vrij laat af en blijven erg lang wit. De tussenvorm is wit met gele vlekken/strepen. Deze planten hebben ondersteuning nodig.
Aubergine is een zeer veelzijdige en gezonde groente. Aubergine bevatten onder andere: vitamine B1, B2, B6, B11 en C. En de mineralen: natrium, kalium, selenium, calcium, fosfor, ijzer, magnesium en zink. En veel voedingsvezels, arm aan vet en koolhydraten en gluten. Je kunt ze koken, bakken, braden, in de oven bereiden, roerbakken, barbecueën, grillen, stomen, frituren en vullen met bijvoorbeeld gehakt of rijst. Je kunt met aubergine ook een heerlijke ratatouille, soep of gemengde groenteschotel maken. Aubergine is erg lekker in combinatie met: olijfolie, kaas, uien, peterselie, basilicum, aardappelen, oregano, rundvlees, lamsvlees, kip, rundergehakt, eieren, geitenkaas, rode peper, varkensvlees, kokosnoot, knoflook, cayennepeper, pasta en groenten zoals paprika, sla, courgettes, tomaten, doperwten en prei. Niet winterharde eenjarige. Hoogte: 40 - 50 cm.
Indoor sowing: end of February - beginning of April
Germination: 10 - 20 days
Germination temp: 21 - 25°C
Sowing depth: ½ cm
Transplanting when the seedlings are approx. 7½ - 10 cm
Transplanting outdoors: middle of May - beginning of June
Plant spacing: 50 - 75 cm
Planting position: sunny - (heated) Greenhouse
Harvestperiod: May - September
Sow indoors from the end of February in seperate pots filled with moist moist potting soil. Sow per pot 2 seeds about ½ cm deep and cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. Put the pots away at 21 - 25 °C. Keep the seeds moist, warm and light. Keep the temperature as even as possible and don't let the temperature drop during the night. Put the seedlings, when they're approx. 7½ - 10 cm in size in larger separate pots. Harden the seedlings of by putting them for about 10 - 14 days outside during the day and putting them back indoors during the night, from the beginning of May. Aubergine heats cold, so put the pots outdoors in a (not) heated greenhouse or glasshouse. You can also grow them on a very sunny, warm, sheltered spot on the southside. Mostly you get lesser fruits on your plants. Keep moist, pest free and give the plants a good support.
To aid the developement of fruits, you should water them regurlarly and add some liquid tomato fertilizer togehter with the water. You can impregnate your aubergines by using an old electric toothbrush. Pick the fruits regurlarly to enhance the growing of new fruits. Harvest the fruits by cutting them with sciccors. You should harvest before the shine disappears on the skin. Keep aubergine outside the fridge on a cool, dark and dry spot. You can keep them fresh for a week this way. You shouldn't keep aubergines in a fridge because they rot from low temperatures. Don't let the temperature drop under 16 °C. You can freeze aubergines.