Soybeans originates from China. They're been grown and eaten all over the world. The products made of soybean are a.o. soysauce, soymilk, tofu and tempe. Soy is a very reliable and good source of protein, combined with omega fatty acids, magnesium and calcium. That's why soy is the best and completest source of vegetable protein. And that's why vegetarians use so much soy in their diet. It's a good, complete and cheap replacement of meat. Soybean Nawiko needs a lot of warmth and light to grow. Non hardy annual. Height: 55 - 75 cm.
Indoor sowing: beginning of May - half May
Outdoor sowing: half May - June
Germination: 7 - 14 days
Germination temp. : 18 - 25°C
Sowing depth: 2 -3 cm
Transplant outdoors: 4 weeks after sowing
Plant distance: 15 - 25 cm
Plant distance between rows: 35 - 40 cm
Plant position: sunny
Harvest period: September - November
Soybeans need a lot of light and warmth to grow. Sow indoors for an early harvest from May on. Sow in trays, with holes in the bottom for good drainage, filled with potting soil and sand. Keep about 5 cm between the seeds. Give the seeds a germination temp. of about 18 °C. Warmer is better for germination. Cover the seeds with a thick layer of soil, because soybeans are darkgerminators. Keep moist, but not to wet to prevent the seeds from molding. Harden the seedlings of, during the day, after about 4 weeks. The outdoor temp. has to be about 15°.
Sow soybeans outdoors when there's no longer any danger of nightfrosts and the soil has warmed to about 18 °C. Gove them enough sun on a sunny plot with some shelter, free draining soil and non acid soil. Sow the seeds about 2 - 3 cm deep and keep them 15 cm apart. Cover with a thick layer of soil. Thin the seedlings, when they're large enough to handle, to about 25 cm apart. Protect the seedlings against bird, mice and other pests. Support the plants before the pods start to grow. don't water them to much, but keep the soil moist. Water proffusely during drought. Keep weedfree.
Harvest the beans when the pods are about 5 cm in size and still yound and tender. This is the well known Adame. The pods can also be harvested when they're larger and yellow, brown and dried out. This beans can be harvested as dried beans and be kept for about a year.