The Olivecucumber originates from the Andes and mainly from Peru. This plant can be found nowadays in South-America, The Caraibin, Florida, China, Japan, Korea and Nepal. Olivecucumber can witstand low temperatures and moist weather, that's why it can grow on great hights. This plants is like it name says familiy of the cucumber, courgette etc. This bisexual plant developes male and female flowers. Helping with germinating is adviced. Harvest the young smooth lightgreen fruits when they're a bit larger than the thumbnail of a man. The fruits resamble green olives and that why they're named olive cucumber. The flavour resembles the flavour of a cucumber with an acidic sour hint. The fruits can be cooked, baked, stuffed with mince meat and stir-fried, stewed and added to soup and sauces. Give this vaining plant enough room and support. Non-hardy annual. Height: 4 - 5 meter.
Indoor sowing: April - May
Germination: 7 - 14 days
Germination temp. : 21 - 23°C
Sowing depth: 1 - 1½ cm
Plant distance: 1 meter
Planting outdoors: after 15 May (Ice Saints)
Plant position: ful sun - sheltered (greenhouse)
Days till harvest:: 150 - 165
Sow indoors from April on in apart pots filled with moist seeding soil. Push the seeds in about 1 cm deep and cover the seeds with a layer of soil. Keep moist and keep the temperature even. Cover the pots with some clingfilm to retain the moisture. Remove the clingfilm when the seedlings emerge. Keep moist and warm.
Harden the seedlings of, from about 15 May, during the day for about 10 days. Put them on a very sunny plot with free draining soil and shelter. Or in a greenhouse. Keep moist and weedfree. It can be necesary to germinate the plants by hand. Pick the fruits regularly to keep them growing. Store them in a fridge in a plastic bag.