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Scientific name
Brassica oleracea var. botrytis
Item number
123seeds Topselect
Amount of seeds

In stock

Product Description

Giant de Naples produces large, white, round heads with large green leaves with white veins. Cauliflower Giant de Naples originates from Naples in Italy. These heads need a large amount of space to grow. The heads weigh about 1½ - 2 kg each.

Cauliflower is a very healthy and versatile vegetable. Cauliflower contains a.o.: vitamin C, K, B6, B11, B1, B2 and B3. And the minerals: potassium, manganese, phosphor, molybdenum and magnesium. It also contains a lot of antioxidants like: rutin, ferulic acid, cinnamic acid and caffeic acid. They're also a lot of fibre, some amino acids like tryptophane and a little bit of calories. It's a very healthy vegetable. You can cook, steam, stew, bake, grill, stir-fry, cook in the oven, deep-fry and prepare it like couscous. Add some cauliflower to soups, mixed vegetable dishes, raw in salads, as healthy snack and as appetizer. Cauliflower is delicious in combination with: cheese, apple, garlic, flower, potatoes, eggs, parsley, onions, pasta, beef, chicken, pork, minced beef, cod and vegetables like: paprika, carrot, brocolli, lettuce, French beans, peas and courgettes. Fairly hardy annual.

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