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Scientific name
Curcurbita pepo
Item number
123seeds Topselect
Amount of seeds
  • The flowers of these plants are easy accessible for insects
  • We recommend this seeds if you like to help out bees

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Product Description

Courgette Black Forest F1 is a climbing variety that takes up much less space than other varieties. Black Forest F1 can be guided upwards along a fence, trellis, climbing frame or lattice. It grows in height and not in width. However, this species does need help. Bind the plant using, for example, twine as extra support while climbing. This allows anyone who does not grow courgettes due to lack of space to grow this delicious, tasty, healthy and versatile vegetable themselves. It can easily be grown in pots on balconies. So you do not necessarily need a vegetable garden to grow courgettes. Because of its compact size, it can also be grown in small vegetable gardens.

Courgettes are a very versatile and healthy vegetable that can be prepared in many different ways. Courgettes can be boiled, grilled, baked, fried, roasted, stewed, stuffed and finally very young, small courgettes (up to about 10 cm) can also be prepared raw. You can also stuff the male flowers of the courgette with, for example, goat's cheese, coat them in Tempura batter and then deep-fry. Delicious as an appetizer or snack. In short, courgette is a versatile, healthy and tasty vegetable that is well worth growing yourself. You can also make delicious soup with courgettes or shave the courgettes into long, thin slices and make a vegetarian vegetable lasagne. Because this variety takes up little space, requires little maintenance and can easily be grown in large pots, it is a vegetable variety that can be grown by anyone. Non-hardy annual.

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