This lettuce variety originates from Italy. It's a loose leaf variety with loose curled green leafs with a dark red edge on top and a very mild flavour. It's closely related to Lollo Bionda and forms no heads. This lettuce can be harvested by picking the leaves as needed. Pick the leaves regularly to stimulate the growth of new leaves. Use this lettuce in salads or with Italian dishes.
Indoor sowing: february - march
Outdoor sowing: may - july
Sowing depth: ½ cm
Germination: 7-10 days
Germination temp. : 15-18 °C
Plant distance: 20 - 30 cm
Plant position: sunny
Days till harvest: 55
Sow from february till march indoors or outdoors under glass in loose sowing soil. Cover the seeds with a very thin layer potting soil. Lettuce is a light geminator. Keep the soil moist and weedfree. Put the seedlings, approx. 3 - 4 weeks after germination, in seperate pots. Transplant the seedlings outdoors, from half may on, when there's no longer any danger of night frosts. Keep them about 20 - 30 cm apart.
Sow outdoors from may on, when there's no longer any danger of night frosts. Sow in rows about 20 - 30 cm apart. Sow 3 seeds per hole about 20 cm apart. Cover the seeds with a very thin layer of soil. Thin the seedlings to 1 strongest per hole after about 3 - 4 weeks after sowing.
Pick the leaves regularly to ensure the growth of new leaves. Keep moist and water regularly, especially in dry spells. Protect against snails, slugs and aphids.