Green Turnip-Tops is a delicious, spicy and mustard-like vegetable. It can be eaten in mash potato stews, in stews, raw in salads and cooked as a sort of spinach. This typical spring vegetable can be frozen to store. Proces this vegetable as soon as possible after harvesting. This very easy to grow vegetable grows really fast.
Outdoor sowing under glass: January - March
Outdoor sowing: March - September
Sowing depth: ½ - 1 cm
Germination temp.: 10 - 16°C
Germination: 6 - 10 days
Sowing distance in rows: 20 - 25 cm
Plant position: sunny and sheltered
Days till harvest: 28 - 35
Sow outdoors under glass from the beginning of January till March. Sow sparingly in rows or broadcast the seeds in a greenhouse or cover the seeds with a plastic greenhouse. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. Keep moist. Sow on a sunny and sheltered plot. Keep moist and weedfree.
Sow outdoors from March on. Broadcast the seeds or sow in rows about 20 - 25 cm apart. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil. Keep moist and weedfree. Turnip-tops don't need thinning. Protect them against slugs and snails. Harvest the turnip-tops when they're about 15 - 20 cm in size. Cut the stems right above the soil. You can harvest again after about 3 weeks. This vegetable can be frozen to store.